My real name is Noah Weber
I am currently a Research Assistant at Stony Brook University working on natural language processing under Niranjan Balasubramanian.
- “Hierarchical Quantized Representations for Script Generation.” Noah Weber, Leena Shekhar, Niranjan Balasubramanian, and Nathanael Chambers. EMNLP. 2018.
- “The Fine Line between Linguistic Generalization and Failure in Seq2Seq-Attention Models.” Noah Weber*, Leena Shekhar*, and Niranjan Balasubramanian. NAACL GenDeep Workshop. 2018.
- “Event Representations with Tensor-based Compositions.” Noah Weber, Niranjan Balasubramanian, and Nathanael Chambers. AAAI. 2018.
- “Efficient Quartet Representations of Trees and Applications to Supertree and Summary Methods.” Ruth Davidson, MaLyn Lawhorn, Joseph Rusinko, and Noah Weber. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2015.
A * indicates equal contribution